Linqto Review & Competitors: How to invest in Netflix, Space X, Kraken & more...

John Kloepper
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Linqto invest in space X, netflix and more

Besides investing on your own, you also have the choice to invest as company, a Limited Liability Company (LLC), Trust, or another type of entity at Linqto. Simply provide the necessary details about the entity to one of Linqto's financial experts, and they will establish the entity for you, which can then be integrated into your existing Linqto account. This setup allows you the freedom to make investments in both your personal account and the entity you've set up.

      • Linqto is an attractive option for accredited investors interested in purchasing shares in pre-IPO companies without overspending. The platform is user-friendly and provides comprehensive information about listed companies. Nonetheless, it may not be the best fit for novice investors with a limited budget.

        Click here to visit the site and discover more.

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